You won't find a better Con experience on the East Coast.
Time for some ramblings.
Marvel: I thought these List specials were supposed to start the end of Dark Reign. So far, they haven't done that at all. Oh yeah, also they haven't been all that great. Speaking of the end of Dark Reign, the sooner the better. Only good thing to come out of it has been Fraction's Iron Man arc.
From great to extremely mediocre, Fraction's Uncanny X-Men. After a disappointing and forced cross-over with Dark Avengers the X-Men relocate AGAIN. All that hub-bub about them moving to San Francisco and now already they are gone. And while Magneto is great and all I am very weary of his inclusion in last issue. I am hoping Fraction has something really original planned.
Another great transition into something that IS really original and entertaining, Hickman's Fantastic Four. After only 2 issues I am hooked, forgot your preconceived notions about the FF and start reading this book.
DC: Blackest Night is still great. Green Lantern Corps is still better than Green Lantern.
Apparently Robinson's JLA Mini series is lackluster, still excited for his real run to start but doubts are creeping in.
Quietly can't come back to Batman and Robin soon enough. I would rather have him as the regular artist and the book be bi-monthly, it is TOTALLY worth the wait.
That's it for now. Maybe I'll post a review or two this week. Go to Baltimore. Buy comics.